The forum will consist of invited presentations intended to give highly personal perspectives on the current state of the art, and contributed presentations. The purpose of the Forum is to discuss recent developments, trends, and issues informally. To encourage this informal character, contributors are not requested to submit full papers and no proceedings will be published.
Lead Organizer: | Professor Kenji Katoh | Osaka City University | |
Location: | Sumiyoshi-ku | Osaka | Japan |
Email: | | ||
Lead Organizer: | Dr. Malcolm J. Andrews | Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
Location: | Los Alamos | NM | USA |
Email: | | ||
Lead Organizer: | Professor Sang Yong LEE | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | |
Location: | Daejeon | Korea | |
Email: | | ||
Organizer: | Professor Hisashi UMEKAWA | Kansai University | |
Location: | Suita City | Osaka | Japan |
Email: | | ||
Organizer: | Professor Joon AHN | Kookmin University | |
Location: | Seoul | Korea | |
Email: | |