
Home > Activity > Enjoy Fluid Experiments Lab. > Wind Car 3 (Semi-spherical Cup Type)

Wind Car 3 (Semi-spherical Cup Type)

Let's take a look!

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What kind of experiment is this?

Experimental procedure and explanation:

  • This wind car utilizes semi-spherical cups.
  • Similar to wind car 2 experiment, it uses a crown gear to reduce the speed of rotation.
  • One characteristic of this wind car is that it will move forward regardless of the direction of the wind.
  • It is relatively easy to picture how the wind acts against the cups on the sides to utilize aerodynamic resistance (drag).
  • Cups in the fore and aft positions also help: these cups generate lift to contribute to rotation.

[Keywords] wind energy, drag, lift
[Reference] “The Wonders of Flow,” Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Koudansha Blue Backs, pp. 118-199
“Illustrated Fluid Dynamics Trivia,” by Ryozo Ishiwata, Natsume Publishing, pp. 118-119
“Children’s Science,” Seibundo-Shinkosha, September 1997, pp. 45-47
[Link] (Search under program name “Science Battle,” and select #14 wind car.)
Last Update:9.7.2013