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Newsletter Nagare2025.2.27 Update

―  Theme : "The Conference of Fluid Engineering Division (Part 1)"  ―

  1. Preface
    Hyun Jin PARK, Shoichi MATSUDA, Chungpyo HONG
  2. Present to Future of Rocket Propulsion -JAXA Kakuda Space Center Initiatives-
    Takeo TOMITA (JAXA)
  3. The 21st Dream contest of the flow Moment of healing
    Shoma HIJIKATA (Meisei University)
  4. Thinking about the SDGs from another point of view
    Yui YAMADA, Taichi WATANABE and Haruto KAWATA (Nihon University)
  5. Report of The Dream of Flow Contest
    Masashi KAMBE and Taro MATSUSHIMA (Kanazawa University)

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Enjoy Fluid Experiments Lab.2025.2.24 Update

Pressure, outflow velocity Pistons and cylinders Water is drained out through a piston that utilizes a plastic cup.
Pressure, outflow velocity Narrow and wide cylinders When pushing with a piston, is it better to use a thin cylinder or a thick cylinder?
Pressure, outflow velocity Ejection due to the weight of the weight We allow the weight of the piston to increase the momentum of the water outflow
Water depth and pressure,
Water height and energy
Continuous production of bubbles We bend the flow of water coming out of the faucet with static electricity!
Water depth and pressure,
Water height and energy
Timer using water runoff Let the water flow out of the plastic bottle and measure the time it takes.
Static electricity Static electricity bending the flow We bend the flow of water coming out of the faucet using static electricity!
Static electricity Propelling water far away with static electricity We use static electricity to propel the stream jetting out from the side of the plastic bottle over a great distance!
Drag, water resistance, terminal velocity Don't let COVID get the better of you 5 (submerge small particles in water) As a countermeasure against the new coronavirus, let's measure the velocity at which small objects fall by experiment. We try to submerge small particles in water.
Drag, aerodynamic drag Don't let COVID get the better of you 6 (drop small objects) Drop small and large styrofoam objects and compare how fast they fall.
Drag, aerodynamic drag Don't let COVID get the better of you 7 (drop small pieces of paper) We drop small pieces of paper and compare how fast they fall
Ventilation, separation Don't let COVID get the better of you 1 (room with one window) Experiment with room ventilation to prevent the COVID virus. We begin with the case of a room with one window.
Ventilation, separation Don't let COVID get the better of you 2 (room with two windows) Experiment with ventilation in a room with two windows.
Ventilation, separation Don't let COVID get the better of you 3 (two windows on alternate sides) Experiment with ventilation in a room with two windows on alternate sides.
Ventilation, separation Don't let COVID get the better of you 4 (room with four windows) Experiment with ventilation in a room with four windows.
Vortex Bubbles in a vortex We create a vortex in the tank and generate air bubbles in it
Vortex, secondary flow Vortex generated by a swirl at the bottom We apply a swirl near the bottom of the tank to create a vortex and observe the flow!
Vortex, secondary flow Vortex generated by a swirl at the top We give it a swirl at the top of the tank to create a vortex and observe the flow!
Separation vortex They don't fall where intended. If you drop a marble in the water, it will not fall where you aim.
Separation vortex, density,
Reynolds number
Drop on intended target 1 We sink the plastic ball in the intended area!

Separation vortex,

Reynolds number
Drop on intended target 2 We sink a small object in the intended target area!
Separation vortex, viscosity,
Reynolds number
Drop on intended target 3 We thicken the water and sink the sphere in the intended  area.
Buoyancy, Cartesian diver, Rotor blade Rotating Cartesian diver Cartesian diver that floats and sinks while rotating
Buoyancy, Cartesian diver, momentum theory Cartesian diver moving sideways Cartesian divers that move while jumping up and down
Buoyancy, Cartesian diver Seahorse Seahorse shaped cartesian diver was created
Pressure, negative pressure Balloon in a plastic bottle When you pull the rubber balloon, the balloon inside puffs up.
Buoyancy, Cartesian diver, negative pressure Cartesian diver that float when force is applied When a balloon attached to the mouth of the jug is pulled, the cartesian divers inside rise to the surface.
Buoyancy, Cartesian diver, negative pressure Garden Eel 2 When a balloon attached to the mouth of the jug is pulled, a spotted garden eel comes out of the hole.
Pressure, negative pressure Fountain in a Bottle Pulling a balloon attached to the mouth of the jug creates a fountain in the bottle.

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The hot topic on study, technological development and R&D in fluids engineering fields2024.9.5 Update

Performance prediction model of contra-rotating axial flow pump with separate rotational speed of front and rear rotors and its application for energy saving operation

De ZHANGTorishima Pump Mfg. Co., Ltd.),
Yusuke KATAYAMAWaseda University),
Satoshi WATANABEKyushu University),
Shin-Ichi TSUDAKyushu University),
Akinori FURUKAWAKyushu University (Professor Emeritus)

Mechanism of aerodynamic force generation concerning train vibration in tunnel
(LES of large-scale flow structure around simplified train model)

Koji NAKADE(Railway Technical Research Institute),
Yutaka SAKUMA(Railway Technical Research Institute, currently Tokushima Bunri University),
Takeo KAJISHIMA(Osaka University, currently Shikoku Polytechnic College)

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Let's explore lab! (Introduction of laboratories)2022.10.17 Update

The New Carbon-neutral Fuel Engineering Laboratory! (Yamaguchi University)


Ryoya Shiraishi, Associate professor

Carbon-neutral Fuel Engineering Laboratory,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamaguchi University
2 cho-me 16-1 , Tokiwadai, Ube, 755-8611, Japan

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