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Disappearing Juice

Let's take a look!

What kind of experiment is this?

Experimental procedure and explanation:

  • There is juice inside a cup (made from a plastic bottle). There is a hole in the side of the cup, and a vinyl hose passes through the hole. One end of the hose is placed inside the cup near the bottom, while the other end is placed outside the cup and below the cup bottom.
  • Nothing happens when the level of the juice in the cup is lower than the highest part of the vinyl hose.
  • You feel a little greedy and add more juice to the cup. When the level of the juice becomes higher than the highest part of the hose, the juice starts to flow through the hose.
  • Eventually, the juice will reach the bottom of the hose, creating the same situation as the Siphon Principle. The juice will keep flowing until the cup is empty.
[Keywords] Siphon principle
[Related items] Siphon principle
[Reference] “The Wonders of Flow,” Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Kodansha Blue Backs pp. 98–101.

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Last Update:1.27.2014