Newsletter 2017.2 Index
Theme : "The Conference of Fluid Engineering Division"
The Dreams of Flow Contest
We participated in the JSME 15th Dreams of Flow Contest held at Yamaguchi University as “Meisei Vacuum”. We are the team of six people.
The theme of the contest is “Utilize flow phenomena”.
So, we made a flying vacuum cleaner which utilizes its exhaust flow.
In this short report, we would like to explain our flying vacuum cleaner.
The name of our work is “Flying Hiking MS19800V” (Fig.1). The phrase “19800” gives a good impression (cheap at the price!) to customers.
“Flying Hiking 19800V” has a suction part and a floating part.
The floating part (Fig.2) consists of a cooling fan, a motor, and a styrofoam cup of instant noodles. We tested several cooling fans with different blades for floating the vacuum cleaner.
The high torque motor whose size and weight were suitable for the flying cleaner was selected.
For the main body of the cleaner, the styrofoam cup with a low center of gravity was used to maintain its floating stability.
The suction part (Fig. 3) consists of a nozzle, a hose, and a dust box.
To improve the cleaning performance, many types of the nozzle and the hose were examined. In fact, this improvement process was the hardest, and it did not go well at the beginning of this project. At last, however, we succeed in making high-efficiency cleaner when they were made of light plastic plate with the appropriate angle. We also used a net of kitchen drain for the dust collector. The vacuum cleaner could suck and collect dust up to 42g on floating.
The new vacuum cleaner has a potential to improve its performance, and we hope that this flying vacuum cleaner will be used in our house in the future.
Key words
Flow, vacuum cleaner, fan, float
Fig.1 Flying Hiking19800V
Fig.2 Floating part
Fig.3 Suction part