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Newsletter  2022.11  Index

Theme : "Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2022 Japan (MECJ-22)”

  1. Preface
    Hideo MORI, Tetsuya KANAGAWA
  2. Wall Modelling for Engineering Turbulence CFD
    Kazuhiko SUGA (Osaka Metropolitan University)
  3. Prediction of the flow of granules
    Toshitsugu TANAKA (Osaka University)
  4. Design Optimization of Turbomachinery by Artificial Neural Networks as a Meta-model
    Daisaku SAKAGUCHI (Nagasaki University)
  5. Deep learning for viscoelastic fluids and turbulent diffusion
    Takahiro TSUKAHARA (Tokyo University of Science)
  6. Advanced fluid measurement using mode decomposition
    Taku NONOMURA (Tohoku University)



The Mechanical Engineering Congress 2022 Japan (MECJ-22) was held from 11th to 14th, September, 2022 in University of Toyama. Due to COVID-19, the MECJ congress had been held online in 2020 and 2021, and this is the first on-site congress in three years. The conference has the keynote lectures from Prof. Kazuhiko Suga of Osaka Metropolitan University and Prof. Toshitsugu Tanaka of Osaka University, 4 workshops, and several organized sessions related to the fluid engineering division.

The issue of this Newsletter is “The Mechanical Engineering Congress 2022 Japan (MECJ-22)”, and 5 precious articles related to fluid engineering are reported. These articles are contributed by 2 speakers of the keynote lecture, 3 speakers of workshop entitled “EFD workshop: AI in Fluids Engineering”. All authors in this issue are active in the front-lines of their research field, and the articles certainly provide deep insight on each topic. We expect that these articles are informative for engineers and researchers, and help to share the activities of the fluids engineering division in the future.

Finally, we would like to thank all the authors for their contributions.

Hideo Mori (Kyushu University)
Tetsuya Kanagawa (University of Tsukuba)

Last Update:11.17.2022